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Unfortunately I see myself as kind of broke futurist, but realist. I do strongly feel the path we are on right now. We will be breed in the future as slaves...

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  • Unfortunately I see myself as kind of broke futurist, but realist. I do strongly feel the path we are on right now. We will be breed in the future as slaves...

    Phillip D. 6h
    Digital Metaphysical Spiritual
    Unfortunately I see myself as kind of broke futurist, but realist. I do strongly feel the path we are on right now. We will be breed in the future as slaves. If we don't start looking at things as, what position are we in on this planet as a race/species (yes I mean the genome of black people.) Because I bet you White (Hitler, US presidents, Putin looking out for white genome, China well obviously, Mexicans/ South Americans (brown and black when it benefits them or sometimes both sides.) just my thoughts.

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  • #2
    The reason I wrote this thought because, it just baffles my mind in my attempts to work with other black folks, the more I get approached to by other races to help me. SMDH You want to know why we got KANYEs this is part of why.

