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Black Men Don't Like Networking With Eachother

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  • Black Men Don't Like Networking With Eachother

    Voice 003.mp3

  • #2
    Daaang, this is a sad truth that I have been encountering in Los Angeles since moving here in 2012. I started to believe this state of California, was the only state to prefer their black men ‘Shaken and Stirred’. But in talking with other brothers who live out of state, they share the same observation, which leads me to believe we are in a nation wide crisis in relating to one another. I am 49 years old and came up under a different social engineering than some of the 30 something’s, and with that there seems that a disintegration of effective masculinity took hold on black men. As an experienced youth advocate in the early 2000’s, I observed a direct correlation to Hip Hop music back then, and the type of men produced under the influence of 2000’s Hip Hop, what it meant to be a man dramatically got morphed into men desiring less responsibility and accountability for their actions. I think the modern black man should join men’s groups that have ages ranging from 20 something to 60, black men would benefit from the wisdom of other black men.


    • #3
      Preach. --->


      • #4
        Somebodysunclephil replied to Black American Manhood Is Endangered
        in Society

        19 hours ago
        When most of us decide to COOP most things will get fixed in our community/amongst us I think. But until that yes I agree unfortunately Lil Nas ty is...


        • #5
          Digital Metaphysical Spiritual
          Unfortunately I see myself as kind of broke futurist, but realist. I do strongly feel the path we are on right now. We will be breed in the future as slaves. If we don't start looking at things as, what position are we in on this planet as a race/species (yes I mean the genome of black people.) Because I bet you White (Hitler, US presidents, Putin looking out for white genome, China well obviously, Mexicans/ South Americans (brown and black when it benefits them or sometimes both sides.) just my thoughts.

          · Reply​​​


          • #6
            So , crabs in a bucket (I don't believe we originally like this but if you are pigeon held economically then crab in a bucket is guaranteed to happen), My blockers so far with trying to something outside working. (Constant neighbor disruptions (unnecessary gunplay, smoke and drank TOO much, but does go to work, so you like you said forget anything else.), Health (it took me until 40 to get together another chance to try execute something I have been trying to. ( I want to be %100 black video game studio, that make FUBU stuff , We love basketball why don't we have our own video game? Could probably hook up with Ice Cube /Big 3, to get the players.). Money money of course you need money to do stuff and no one wants to do stuff for free. I'm trying to avoid the trap that has been set to get two jobs. The ploy by the country right now. Get two jobs so you can generate more money for our war machine, ie bullets different weapons over the country over all races UKRAINE or you don't want to get two jobs? Lets get this drafting going. I think thats when a true implosion of this country will happen... I could go on and on but try to just block it out, because I can't script/code or 3d modelling with those things floating around.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post
              It's just not enough of us to make moves like BW.

              I attended a Black Man expo with c suite men and they all said they had to be put on. Their work wasn't enough.

              I would not close the door on any opportunity that BM can offer. And use what you can do to help the next BM. That's all we can do


              • #8
                I feel it is enough of us. Just a lot of us or not open minded to take chances, spend time, I think on stuff we don't understand or are not in to. I can only speak from my perspective/experience so, but atleast in Houston, I've approached friends then, friends of friends that were black. The same like mentioned in that clip, would just be nice and encouraging but don't want to jump in. They either would be doing their own something else and don't want to combine it or see how we could help other, distracted with something else (money) since doing the stuff I'm interesting in, you do not make money right away. I mean you can but that's whole another part of it. I went to school for digital simulation, so that's what I do. I am currently working on my own version of a "animusic" after that going back to the video game I have been working on. I was hoping I could get help by VIA paying brothers who knew about the stuff I'm doing. I was hoping I could maybe use the jobs section of this site like a Fiverr we don't have one FUBU. I have posted the same post on the three black platforms I know of, here, PCTechforum, blaggenuff. Guess what no responses, but has only been a week or so I guess? I mean know I can't offer any big money, but I wouldn't ask the person to do a big comparable thing.
                Last edited by Somebodysunclephil; 10-16-2022, 10:44 AM.

