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Have Non-BW Become More Attractive Than BW

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  • Have Non-BW Become More Attractive Than BW

    In my city non black women, namely hispanic (mainly mexican) women have overtaken black women as far as beauty and sexual attractiveness....it wasn't like this a few yrs ago though....black women use to be the most attractive women....they r falling off sadly

    Wats r ur opinions?

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    Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 05-09-2021, 10:47 PM.

  • #2
    I don't know what you mean "have overtaken black women as far as beauty." Are you in an area dominated by Mexican women because if you're asking are Mexican women more beautiful than black women then the answer is simple. There is not a race of women on this God given green earth more beautiful than black women. If you find yourself finding other women attractive to you that's ok, but to feel that they are more beautiful as a whole then black women means you are living in the wrong place. I'm in atlanta there is no shortage of beautiful black women here. I never find myself saying the Chinese women, or Indian women or even Latina women are starting to be more beautiful than black women. Every race has beautiful women, but the beauty of black women is immeasurable. Hopefully you are just going through a phase that will end in the morning. If not, we'll hopefully see you again soon!


    • #3
      Your lack of having options in my opinion may be the cause. There's nothing more attractive then a black woman to me. They are the original woman that gave the rest of the woman all features they may have. Maybe you preference has changed.


      • TheShip WillSail
        TheShip WillSail commented
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        Black women r falling off... I call a spade a spade....black women r my natural preference and at one point we're the most attractive women ..a lot of our women have lost that feminine sexy energy, out of shape etc

        When I look around in public I'm seeing a lot of other races of women who are becoming more attractive than black women

      • NasiirNetcher
        NasiirNetcher commented
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        Many black women are falling off and they have been losing their femininity. But I look at this from a whole picture. Black women are still untouchable and when those other women turn 40, it shows tragically. Do remember the Latino women do have a lot of African in them. Its that extra European gene that's going to kick their ***...

    • #4
      General statements in this subject make no sense and are ultimately meaningless. Because race is not real. We still must use the label because 1. It is still excessively used and 2. It is still needed to gain fully our rights in America. Otherwise it is nothing more than an imaginary tool that white people created to harm Black people.


      • #5
        what are talking about physical quality or living with them. I say its better to live with another race, because you can call racism, In my experience black women stabbed me in the back just as easily knowning what they have seen about police and the struggle of our race. "BLM BLM", but (and black fathers too), teach their kids to be violent and aggressive . My peers violent and aggressive to their own race more than others. Im not trying to shame women, I will say when I was a kid my black "father" told me not to hang with my most closest and dear friend as if we were white people!. I was a kid, I was outraged at the fact butI didn't act with the horror that I know now. I still hanged with my best friend but I really should have abandoned my family the day he said that.

        Aside what I am trying to say is the black people raise their families with the idea that black people are bad as well, and living with a black female is not socially attractive because of the hostility we were raised with.

        If this post gets controversial or offends too many, I'll gladly take it down, my honest thoughts,


        • #6
          Originally posted by TheHarmattan

          I wouldn't say it is emphatically unreal. On the genetic/biological point it is fairly useless but in the socio-economic construct it is very real. You can expect to do more time for the same crime. You could make the argument that nobody should be committing crimes but then that means that crime is not the important factor.

          White liberals have been preaching that race doesn't exist. They are deceptively wrong.
          You are merely mentioning its use, not the reality of the term/s. Meaning it is still used the way it was made i.e. to harm Black people, sure. I say "race is not real" to mean that it does not actually mark true genetic differences between individuals with different skin colors because that would be what 'race' would show were it true. But yes, we still use it and it is still used despite its continued detrimental effect.


          • #7
            If black men stop marrying black women there will be no more black community. We are erasing ourselves.


            • GreenJagWar
              GreenJagWar commented
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              Marriage =/= Community. There is still room for a Black community minus marriage. Marriage is nothing more than a piece of paper and some familial political power. Marriage is, overall, a detriment to Black community, especially due to its connection to Christianity.