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Whom is The #1 Target Of Racism

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  • Whom is The #1 Target Of Racism

    Racism is deeper than just skin tone, it's other factors as well. Not all black men are perceived and treated the same. The type of black men who are the target of society aren't the thugs nor the geeks. The target of society are the black men who are in-between the two, neither thug nor geek,but the in-between brotha. The "regular" black man whom is masculine,between 6 feet to 6'4, and carry themselves with a hip edge/swag without being a thug. I call this type of black man the real black man, the protypical black man, the type of black man who is truly representative of black manhood. This is the black man in his original state, this is the type of black man that existed in biblical Israel. The root reason the protypical black man is opposed is because he is the type of man who existed in Israel.... He is representative of Israel...the men of Israel where neither thugs nor geeks. There is a spiritual war against these types of black men,society has a desire to oppress these types of black men.

    Below I have images of men whom I consider the prototypical black american male

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Yep. This society has a problem with black men that are REAL MEN.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
      Yep. This society has a problem with black men that are REAL MEN.
      Yes ppl have an issue with real black men...till the point that they don't even like seeing u in public places and taboo ur existence.


      • #4
        True. The women don't want to consider you if they think you are a suitor.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post

          Yes ppl have an issue with real black men...till the point that they don't even like seeing u in public places and taboo ur existence.
          people have a problem with normal black men because these types of black men are competition in a society that wants black men inferior


          • #6
            Originally posted by werty2cool View Post

            people have a problem with normal black men because these types of black men are competition in a society that wants black men inferior
            Yep. I agree.

