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A lot of Women get turned negative by attractive black men

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  • A lot of Women get turned negative by attractive black men

    I'm a good looking 6'2 dark skinned guy ... A lot of times when I come across women I sense this strong vibe of opposition and haterism , after they give off the funny vibe they immediately do something subtle to tear me down like lower their eyes or put their heads down , sometimes roll their eyes or they look through me ...sometimes I get a vibe that they literally wanna run away from me like usain bolt ..I can sense they r doing it to tear me down...this happens to me constantly

    Being a tall darksinned attractive guy is tough in this racist society, everyone is out to tear u down ...it's like ppl can't stomach a black man who look and feel good about himself ...sometimes I even get a vibe that women r literally disgusted, and I'm never at that level of unattractiveness when a woman would be disgusted by me ..the racism spirit in them is so strong that a sight of an on point black man brings the disgust and devil out of them
    Im not tryna toot my horn but I'm undeniable physically and sexually attractive and it rubs women the wrong way.

  • #2
    I feel that sometimes keep stunning brotha they hate on u because you own who you are those haters can’t because their losers your a winner Brotha


    • #3
      You may be only noticing this from white women. Do you only date outside your race? Have you tried dating black women?


      • TheShip WillSail
        TheShip WillSail commented
        Editing a comment
        It's all race of women who do this

    • #4
      We are a far far way away from supporting and uniting amongst ourselves! It’s something that was groomed in us from slavery days and is still evident to this day! Put 5 crabs in a bucket and not 1 will get out because the other 4 will constantly pull the other one back! The essence of black pride have been slowly stripped away. Unity is key.. I may not know you but seeing that we were both black should form a instant bond knowing the struggles we face! Every other race and culture do it!


      • #5
        Brethren it is expectations okay, a lot of our sisters get in relationship with brothers that look good i will say right but their expectations a lot of times destroys them why well we cheat right and this is after she has acknowledged us right and is proud, now we do something supposedly did not perceived right, so they go on with that and automatically just put every last one of us in the same category and they are done with, now this is wrong but women are becoming very much merciless with that mindset. It is love drying and fountains drying up as well. Again very wrong but a women way of protecting themselves is literally the whole likes of anyone that have hurt them in past relationships, again am against and that shows who women really are in a clear way.. This also brings them completely switch over to the same sex.. Go figure this is also thru female friends confessions,


        • #6
          Are you serious? This has to be a joke, right? Women, of a certain caliber, look for more than looks. What do you do for a living? Where did you attend university? Where did you attend grad school? Is your home paid for? What is your credit score? What do you parents do for a living? You're here acting like you are God's gift to women and wondering why they despise you. After reading your post, I despise you.

          Bro, you are not all that. I assure you of this.


          • #7
            Black men personally I see disrespectful black women so much here in the D. Loud, money greedy and no religious beliefs. Is it me or is this a trend?


            • #8
              Bruh, you seem to be walking around thinking about how you look all the time. Which probably also means you're thinking a lot about how other people look. How distracting your post is to any of the progress we need to make as people today. Maybe you would have better luck if you get in the movement and try to make a difference for our people instead of being so focused on your looks - which by the way is quite effeminate. Instead of judging yourself by how you look, try judging yourself by your deeds and see what you come up with.

