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Why Is The Abortion Rate So High For BW

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  • Why Is The Abortion Rate So High For BW

    BW Abortion Rate is so high due to their sexual activities with non Black males . BW have hella sex with non Black males but u rarely see BW with a mixed child...why is this ? Most BW have children, however most BM are childless so BW aren't even procreating or even having sex with BM like dat...connect the dots. If BW aren't having sex with BM collectively, then whom are BW having sex with...they gotta be having sex with somebody on a collective level..BW aren't out here going sexless.
    Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 09-13-2020, 05:16 AM.

  • #2
    The upper elite white guys are not even looking at black woman, it’s the bottom shelf brads that are doing it. Oh, and non black guys are running through black woman. The only babies the abort are the black man’s.


    • #3

      I wish more Black women would abort. Many are horrible parents. Therefore, it’s better if they don’t have children.


      • #4
        When it comes to families, its devestation. Kids come up with all the wrong manners, raised by traumatized parents, when I see actions, its less of the trauma and more of how they are raised, a different type of trauma, a "no future for you " type of trauma coming from your own family

