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The Only Way Africa Can Win The World Cup

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  • The Only Way Africa Can Win The World Cup

    African countries need to give Black-Americans dual citizenship that's the only way a Black African country can win the world cup...present day Africans don't have the capabilities to succeed in World Cup soccer, they lack the confidence/fortitude, coaching intelligence, coordination, and athleticism to beat the top teams....but if Black-Americans played soccer they would dominate the sport!
    Africans and Black Americans aren't built the same..slavery had a genetic affect on Black-Americans which differs us from continental Africans. And during slavery they sought after Alpha Africans to enslave whom where athletic, intelligently skilled and talented workers, the beta males where left in Africa.​

  • #2
    Africa is always raped for their resources. Human capital included.

    They export their best and they don't return back. I think a lot of those African countries could compete if the players returned to play for their home teams.

    Unfortunately their African pride is lip service and until Africans start carrying about Africa no one will.

