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Tower PCs: An Endangered Species?

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  • Tower PCs: An Endangered Species?

    I hope not. They have already made optical drives obsolete.

  • #2
    With virtual desktops. Mini And micro pcs are the wave of the future.

    And as someone who is in IT. Its easier to service someone in the cloud.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
      With virtual desktops. Mini And micro pcs are the wave of the future.

      And as someone who is in IT. Its easier to service someone in the cloud.
      I see.


      • #4
        As much as I would say no way in hell, the presenter is correct about the tower PC becoming obsolete very soon. If you look into Ohm's law and how it is Advanced over the past few decades ,Electronics have come a long way when it comes to advancements and micronization of components. The only thing that I worry about is when it comes to customizations to the perfect PC for micro PC , how can the common person get a customized rig. I think this will be heavily abused in the market forcing people to purchase a whole brand new micro PC or a new rig in general that is overly expensive, or worse a full Monopoly in the tech Market.

