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You know I hate to admit it because I don't like how and where its being used, but people like me will be why Ai proliferates every where as well.

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  • You know I hate to admit it because I don't like how and where its being used, but people like me will be why Ai proliferates every where as well.

    You know I hate to admit it because I don't like how and where its being used, but people like me will be why Ai proliferates every where as well, because partially I bet the thought was for people like me, where I have no choice but to use it. Because I have no help, thus it gets free training off me and others like me.

    This interns helps the people that write the algorithms that make it work. Which are not poor people.

  • #2
    Using it to try and complete either my current game or another, my current prompt and it's answers, which has gotten me to the point where I can now package my game, but it crashes after itl launched.---> How do I fix Fatal Error: Serial Size Mismatch error after packaging my game for Windows in unreal engine 4.27?

    To fix the "Fatal Error: Serial Size Mismatch" error in Unreal Engine 4.27 after packaging your game for Windows, try the following steps:
    1. Check and update your Unreal Engine version to the latest version.
    2. Check the build settings and make sure you are building the correct architecture.
    3. Verify your project's "Save Package" settings and make sure they are set to "None."
    4. Try packaging the project with "Use Pak File" disabled.
    5. If the error still persists, try re-creating your visual studio project files.
    6. If the error is still not resolved, try deleting the "Intermediate" and "Saved" folders in your project and then repackage it.

    If these steps do not resolve the issue, consider searching the Unreal Engine forums or seeking help from the Unreal Engine community.

    How to fix game launching error LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] in unreal engine 4.27?

    To fix the "LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown]" error in Unreal Engine 4.27 when launching a game, try the following steps:
    1. Check and update your Unreal Engine version to the latest version.
    2. Verify your project files by running the "Verify" option in the Unreal Engine Launcher.
    3. Try cleaning the project's build files by selecting "Clean" in the Unreal Editor.
    4. If the error is related to a specific asset, try removing or replacing it.
    5. Try re-compiling the project code by selecting "Build" in the Unreal Editor.
    6. If the error is still not resolved, try restarting the computer and launching the game again.

    If these steps do not resolve the issue, consider searching the Unreal Engine forums or seeking help from the Unreal Engine community for more advanced solutions.


    • #3
      The part I can't do right now is rebuild the visual studio files. I can't find a .bat that is supposed to be in the engine's main directory. Which this could be just old information since it is scraping this from somewhere online.

