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Large group in Mexico attempted mass entry into US at El Paso, Texas, border crossing, officials say.

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  • Large group in Mexico attempted mass entry into US at El Paso, Texas, border crossing, officials say.

    As usual, many of the Mexicans are illegal trying to cross the border. When are they going to put an end to this once and for all? Finish the wall...LOL.

    The Late Show Trump GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

  • #2
    I would like U.S Black People To Know, The Whole Immigrants Rush is a Movement To Finally Held United States Accountable For Destroying So Many Nations Way of Life in Their Country's, Under Democracy Enforcer Mask to Robbed and Destroyed Their Ressources : We Cannot Continue Applying Idiocy , Naivety Endorsing United Cruel and Animalistic Politics To Creates Instabilities to Others, Poverty , Sabotaging Their Educations , Extreme Invasion Of United States Killing Machines , Big Guns , Big Riflles , Big Drones In Criminals Hands , Most of The Times , Enrolling By United States Agents From United States Ambassy's Located in Those Country's.

    Haiti , Cuba , Venezuela Are Country's United States Maliciously Destroyed Which Never Actually Attacks or Cause Arms To The Americans People , However United States Doesn't Do The Same , He Destroyed People's Lives , Not Government Leaders or Oligarchy In Those Country's.

    United States Always Control of All Gangsters and Criminals in Those Country's , Many Times It is The United States Ambassador or United States Businessman Living There or Have Some Collossal Investments in Those Country's Who Are Providing Informations To Secure Their Corruptions or Cruelty's Practicing By Those People.

    With The Evolution Of Social Media , United States Citizens Have Access To Almost All The Cruelty Their Country's Are Exercising In Foreign Country's.

    The Europeans Has Been Hijacked and Seized The United States Politics and Turn it As Worst Then Europe .

    Take a Look at All the Country's Who Can Access United States Without Visas ! They Are All European Country's !! Even The Poorest Country's in Europe Like Poland , Romania , Hungary , Bulgaria, Ukraine Etc Can Easily Moves To United States to Live Easily , Green Card Obtained and Suddenly They Are Americans With Lots of Aid from Our Tax Payers , Take a Look at the Group Of Policemen Has Been Involved In Black People Killing in The United States Are 99% Are European New Comers , Who buy High School Diploma 's and GED to Enter The Police Forces All Over United States . They Called It Revenge Of The United States Soldiers Many of Them Where Black 's Chasing Their Nazi Father's, Uncles and Brothers.

    Now They Are Claiming United States.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dessalines View Post
      I would like U.S Black People To Know, The Whole Immigrants Rush is a Movement To Finally Held United States Accountable For Destroying So Many Nations Way of Life in Their Country's, Under Democracy Enforcer Mask to Robbed and Destroyed Their Ressources : We Cannot Continue Applying Idiocy , Naivety Endorsing United Cruel and Animalistic Politics To Creates Instabilities to Others, Poverty , Sabotaging Their Educations , Extreme Invasion Of United States Killing Machines , Big Guns , Big Riflles , Big Drones In Criminals Hands , Most of The Times , Enrolling By United States Agents From United States Ambassy's Located in Those Country's.

      Haiti , Cuba , Venezuela Are Country's United States Maliciously Destroyed Which Never Actually Attacks or Cause Arms To The Americans People , However United States Doesn't Do The Same , He Destroyed People's Lives , Not Government Leaders or Oligarchy In Those Country's.

      United States Always Control of All Gangsters and Criminals in Those Country's , Many Times It is The United States Ambassador or United States Businessman Living There or Have Some Collossal Investments in Those Country's Who Are Providing Informations To Secure Their Corruptions or Cruelty's Practicing By Those People.

      With The Evolution Of Social Media , United States Citizens Have Access To Almost All The Cruelty Their Country's Are Exercising In Foreign Country's.

      The Europeans Has Been Hijacked and Seized The United States Politics and Turn it As Worst Then Europe .

      Take a Look at All the Country's Who Can Access United States Without Visas ! They Are All European Country's !! Even The Poorest Country's in Europe Like Poland , Romania , Hungary , Bulgaria, Ukraine Etc Can Easily Moves To United States to Live Easily , Green Card Obtained and Suddenly They Are Americans With Lots of Aid from Our Tax Payers , Take a Look at the Group Of Policemen Has Been Involved In Black People Killing in The United States Are 99% Are European New Comers , Who buy High School Diploma 's and GED to Enter The Police Forces All Over United States . They Called It Revenge Of The United States Soldiers Many of Them Where Black 's Chasing Their Nazi Father's, Uncles and Brothers.

      Now They Are Claiming United States.
      Good post bruh.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
        As usual, many of the Mexicans are illegal trying to cross the border. When are they going to put an end to this once and for all? Finish the wall...LOL.

        The Late Show Trump GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert
        Allegedly, they rushed the border at one entry point bc of a rumor spread that the US was going to fast track their status.

        Luckily none gained entry and the US border control preventing them from rushing in.

        Also that gif is the same private organization that used privately raised funds for person use. And have only completed 3 miles of wall. Most of which bogged with controversy over the architecture of the wall.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

          Allegedly, they rushed the border at one entry point bc of a rumor spread that the US was going to fast track their status.

          Luckily none gained entry and the US border control preventing them from rushing in.

          Also that gif is the same private organization that used privately raised funds for person use. And have only completed 3 miles of wall. Most of which bogged with controversy over the architecture of the wall.
          I see. Thanks for telling me.

