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“This Will Be the Destruction of the Military”: Non-Binary Army Captain Gets Permission to Wear Women’s Uniform and Make-Up

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  • “This Will Be the Destruction of the Military”: Non-Binary Army Captain Gets Permission to Wear Women’s Uniform and Make-Up

    Man, this whole trangender thing is starting to get ridiculous. Now we have Captains and Generals wearing makeup and women's uniforms? I knew this stuff was going to go too far. While China and Russia are all about masculinity and manhood, America is on this transgender bull****. I wouldn't be shocked if America lost to these other countries in war. America is getting soft.

    “This Will Be the Destruction of the Military”: Non-Binary Army Captain Gets Permission to Wear Women’s Uniform and Make-Up (msn.com)

  • #2
    Some old white dude said on the news, we are probably witnessing the systematic dismantling of this country. I kind of believe him, because they would know about doing something systematically.


    • #3
      I'm active duty (retiring next year) and lgbt folks make up a very small portion of the military, less that 1%. Saying it'll lead to the destruction of the military is pretty damn dramatic.

