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Really? Either could not find a better way to articulate that. Or thats what he truly feels that defines being the black version of something.

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  • Really? Either could not find a better way to articulate that. Or thats what he truly feels that defines being the black version of something.

    Neil deGrasse Tyson: Calling Me a "Black Scientist" Ghettofies the Conversation

  • #2
    He has a point. No one says Nikola Tesla was a brilliant white scientist, they just call him a scientist. Black people should be afforded the same without the identifier in front of their names.


    • Somebodysunclephil
      Somebodysunclephil commented
      Editing a comment
      But he and others could take to understand we don't have many and hold the few we have up. Since we have had bad PR since atleast my since my existence. And there are people out there that do actively try to claim and work to wipe away our existence in anything important.
      Last edited by Somebodysunclephil; 05-03-2023, 02:50 PM. Reason: correct spellings etc.

  • #3
    Yeah I feel you. I guess there has to be a fine balancing act to show the achievement without ignoring someone's identity.

