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Why West Coast weather will be chaotic in the future, according to a climate scientist.

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  • Why West Coast weather will be chaotic in the future, according to a climate scientist.

    The weather on the west coast has been crazy. Flooding in many places, hail, and heavy rain out here where I live.
    When I moved to San Francisco in 2013, the state of California was in a drought. As a transplant from the Midwest, I discovered that this manifested itself often at restaurants. Accustomed to water being excessively offered at a restaurant table, I remember waiters telling me that, because of the dr...

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    The weather on the west coast has been crazy. Flooding in many places, hail, and heavy rain out here where I live.
    That prophecy of California going under water seems true.

    Hate it for you


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

      That prophecy of California going under water seems true.

      Hate it for you
      Yeah, I hate it for me too.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post

        Yeah, I hate it for me too.
        Well you've always got somewhere to stay back east if you ready to come back to the South.

