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africa x

  • It might pop off in Africa.

    It's good to see many Africans standing up for themselves against their colonizers. They also need to add the Arab world to the list.

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  • African concerns mount as West pours aid into Ukraine.

    Africa has got to come up with ways to stop depending so much on foreign aid. Africa, do your own thing.
    African countries are casting a worried eye as the West pumps aid into Ukraine, sensing a retreat in pledges to help their development and fight climate change. Rich countries are already under fire for failing to uphold a pledge dating back to the 2009 UN climate conference in Copenhagen to muster $100 billion a year for countries in the firing line of climate change.
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  • Decisions.. Decisions.. Decisions..

    TheShip WillSail Do you have video on this question. Is this bad contract deal or just a really risky one? I want a lady from Nigeria, She's a...
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  • They are plotting on Africa as we speak.

    I wish that whites and other races would leave Africa the hell alone. If they are coming up, then let them come up. These other nations are hovering around...
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  • China forgives 23 loans for 17 African countries. Expands infrastructure projects .

    What do y'all think about this? Do you think that this is good?...
    China is forgiving 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries, after already cancelling $3.4 billion and restructuring $15 billion of debt from 2000-2019. Beijing pledged more infrastructure projects and offered favorable trade deals in a
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  • jboldeniv
    started a topic Michael Blackson doesn't want American kids.

    Michael Blackson doesn't want American kids.

    What do y'all think about this? Is what he is saying true?

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  • China set to buy up and occupy the entire African continent.

    What do you all think about this? Why are African leaders allowing this to happen?

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