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black lives matter x

  • Most parents discussed Black Lives Matter with children ages 8-11: Study.

    Well, I guess black parents would talk about things like BLM and other race-related issues more than white parents because black people have to worry...
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  • BLM Effect: 94% of New Jobs at S&P 100 Corporations Went to Non-Whites After Protests - Report

    I don't know if I read this article right. However, it seems like white people are complaining about being looked over for jobs. They are now experiencing...
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  • BLM tries to get the gravy train flowing again in Los Angeles.

    It looks like BLM has left a nasty taste in alot of people's mouths; after one of the cofounders Patrice Cullors was found spending money on million dollar...
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  • Column: After 10 years, is this the beginning of the end for Black Lives Matter?

    I'm not sure what to say about Black Lives Matter these days. However, it served its purpose.

    Column: After 10 years, is this the beginning...
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  • jboldeniv
    started a topic BLM(Black Lives Matter) A Scam?
    in News

    BLM(Black Lives Matter) A Scam?

    What do you all think about Black Lives Matter? It looks like they were scamming people out of their funds.

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