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monkey pox x

  • Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests...

    No Homo over here, just posting the latest news on monkeypox.

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  • Demetra- 'Monkeypox' Is Getting A New Name Because It Considered To Be Racist.

    What do y'all think about this?

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  • jboldeniv
    started a topic Monkey Pox Is Here To Stay...SMH
    in News

    Monkey Pox Is Here To Stay...SMH

    Well, Monkey Pox is here to stay according to the news. Yet another disease that we have to deal with. People aren't even out of COVID-19 yet, and now...
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  • Gay Men: Monkeypox Cases Being Reported Largely Among Gay Men?

    What do you all think about this? It's so many diseases popping up these days.

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  • What's up with all of these diseases being unleashed on the world?

    First it was COVID-19, now it's Monkey Pox. Do you all think that these diseases are being manufactured in a lab? It's just one disease after another...
    Biden said the U.S. is exploring “what vaccine if any might be available for it." Israel and Switzerland confirmed cases.
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