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nury martinez x

  • Tensions between Black and Latino residents in L.A. spike in wake of Nury Martinez scandal.

    I'm not surprised by this. Most of the problems between blacks and Mexicans, are due to the Mexicans trying to be up over blacks. They don't seem to...
    Officials in Los Angeles are struggling to contain the fallout stemming from the leaked audio of racist comments made by former city council president Nury Martinez that forced her to resign.
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  • LA's Black-Latino tensions bared in City Council scandal.

    Cross-cultural coalitions have ruled Los Angeles politics for decades, helping elect both Black and Latino politicians to top leadership roles in the huge racially and ethnically diverse city. Nury Martinez, the first Latina elected president of the Los Angeles City Council, resigned from her leadership role last week, then from the council altogether, after a leaked recording surfaced of her making racist remarks and other coarse comments in discussion with other Hispanic leaders. Martinez said in the recorded conversation, first reported by the Los Angeles Times, that white Councilmember Mike Bonin handled his young Black son as if he were an “accessory,” and described the son as behaving “parece changuito," or like a monkey.
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  • JUST IN: Nury Martinez has resigned from her seat on the LA City Council.


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  • Get the hell on! Racist, Anti-Black LA council members must all resign | Roland Martin.

    Man, the Latinos must be pretty bad down there in L.A. With them being over the half of the population of Los Angeles.

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  • White Hispanic L.A. City Council President Calls Black Child A Vile Racial Slur In Leaked Phone Recording.

    Why am I not surprised. Another racist Mexican. I encountered them like hell when I was young man out here in the Bay. I don't know why, but it seems...
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