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ufos x

  • China and Russia are also encountering & shooting down UFOs.

    China and Russia , Are Also Encountering , & Shooting Down UFOs. 'Newsweek' reports that the United States is not the only country in the world that is shooting down unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in 2023. In addition to an object believed to be a Chinese spy balloon on February 4, the U.S. has shot down four other UFOs in recent days. One of those objects was taken down over northern Alaska, another over Montana, a third over Canada's Yukon and a fourth near Lake Huron in Michigan. Meanwhile, in China, authorities said they were preparing to shoot down a UFO sighted in the skies above Shandong Province. Meanwhile, in China, authorities said they were preparing to shoot down a UFO sighted in the skies above Shandong Province. Local maritime authorities in East China's Shandong Province announced on Sunday that they had spotted an unidentified flying object in waters near the coastal city of Rizhao in the province and were preparing to shoot it down, reminding fishermen to be safe via messages, Global Times state-run newspaper, via 'Newsweek'. Local maritime authorities in East China's Shandong Province announced on Sunday that they had spotted an unidentified flying object in waters near the coastal city of Rizhao in the province and were preparing to shoot it down, reminding fishermen to be safe via messages, Global Times state-run newspaper, via 'Newsweek'. 'Newsweek' reports that a regional governor in Russia announced that the Kremlin had shot down a UFO originally sighted on January 3. 'Newsweek' reports that a regional governor in Russia announced that the Kremlin had shot down a UFO originally sighted on January 3. According to Vasily Golubev, "the decision was taken to liquidate" the UFO above the village of Sultan-Saly in Russia's Rostov region. 'Newsweek' reports that the region where the UFO was spotted is a strategic target for the war in Ukraine, as it borders the Sea of Azov. . The Sea of Azov is bounded by Russia on the east and by Ukraine on the northwest and southwest. A UFO in the form of a ball was shot down in the sky, Privyet Rostov, Russian news outlet, via 'Newsweek'
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  • UFO reports rise to 510, not aliens but still a threat to US.

    If there are aliens out there, I hope it's not like Independence Day.
    WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. has now collected 510 reports of unidentified flying objects, many of which are flying in sensitive military airspace. While there’s no evidence of extraterrestrials, they still pose a threat, the government said in a declassified report summary released Thursday. Last year the Pentagon opened an office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, solely focused on receiving and analyzing all of those reports of...
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